
Catch my Fish Backwards

After working all weekend and missing the Makbf Pohick bay tournament I was itching to get out. Monday was my day off and I wasn't going to spend it watching tv. I decided to get up early and head to Sandy Point state park to continue my education on fishing the Chesapeake bay for Rockfish. In my previous trips I have caught many schoolies but I want to learn to target the larger fish. I initially started out trying to use my fish finder to find marks and  jig the bridge. I spent about 45 minutes
These little guys were everywhere
Jigging around the pilings looking for marks. I gave up on the bridge sooner than I planned because of the heavy boat traffic from the crews working on the bridge.

Another Sunday on the Bay

Collin with the only picture worthy fish of the day.

Catfish and Flies

Spotted channel catfish
 Today My brother and I took a routine after school/work trip that turned into something special. We started out looking for bass but a few minutes in we started seeing large dark masses in the water. As we watched them we could see they were moving and occasionally we could see a flash or two. At first we thought they may be carp, but still unsure of what they were I made a long cast with a spoon.

Curb Your Enthusiasm: Preseason Rockfish

Collin with the big fish of the day.

My brother and I were eager to return to the Chesapeake after our first trip went better than expected we wanted to build on our early success. I had to work Sunday morning so we decided that as soon as I made it home around 12 we would hit the road. After a couple of brief delays we made it to the Sandy Point State Park launch around 2 o'clock. The sun was pretty high so we initially headed for deeper water along the bridges to try jigging the structure of the bridges with soft plastics. This is a technique I am very familiar with using in Lake Pontchartrain, and I love the solid thump you feel when the fish hits your lure. We jigged the different structures of the bridge including the rock piles for about an hour and a half with nothing to show.

Easter Kayak Fishing Annapolis

My brother and I took our first of many kayak fishing trips to the Chesapeake bay in the Hobies. It was my first time fishing in the bay and my only previous experience targeting striped bass Aka Rockfish were a couple of unsuccessful trips to Lake Anna during the winter.  This trip we set our sights toward Annapolis with hopes that the warming spring weather would have them active and feeding. I let Collin do the planning and research for this trip and he picked out Sandy Point state park as the launching point. On the hour and twenty minute drive to the park he briefed me on the tactics that we would employ to target the Rockfish. He suggested I rig up 4 to 6 inch white paddle tail jigs  on 3/4 and 1 ounce jig heads I also figured they would hit a rat-l-trap so I tied that on as well I also wanted to give an x-rap a shot but never go to use it. He also told me that he had read reports of fish being caught from the beach out to about 20 feet of water. So we would have to search around to find the magic depth to run our baits. When we finally got to the launch we were greeted by a friendly Dnr agent who gave us a few tips  checked our fishing licences and safety gear and wished us well. After the brief conversation we launched and headed out of the harbor.

Optimistic start to the day.

Upper Potomac Warming Up

Collin with a nice Upper Potomac Largemouth