
Catfishing at the Point

 I decided to go back and try to improve on our results. We went back to the same spot but the river has receded greatly in the past week. This is the best time to catch catfish on the river if you dont know what you are doing. the catfish come up on the batture to feed out of the current of the main channel. I really wanted to catch some big blue cats but all we got were a couple channel cats and an eel. I think i may need to do an overnight session if I really want to catch a big one.

Speckled trout at Hopedale Marina

Met up with some Friends and subs Charlie Mutter and Greg and launched out of Hopedale marina. We left out t first light and went to our first area and only caught 1 fish a piece in the early morning. We gave up around 10 and headed back to the launch. But on the way back we fished and found the speckled trout schooled up directly across from the launch. Greg stayed there while I went and searched the marsh for a redfish that I couldn't get to bite. I tried sight fishing a few reds but all the reds I saw spooked when I put the lure right in front of them. Meanwhile Greg used a 3/8th ounce with a tiger bait matrix shad on the corner of Bayou la Loutre and the back levee canal to pick off a limit of speckled trout. The tide was falling hard around the point and we were throwing into the bayou and letting it push the lure back into the canal. As the lure was sinking the trout were sitting there waiting to hit it right before it hit the bottom.

Breton Sound Trout Hunt

We went out June 2nd launching out of Hopedale Marina to fish the outer fringe bays and islands for speckled trout. The weather was not the best but we made it happen even though scattered showers were passing through. This trip started of very slow with only two trout caught at our first 5 stops . We powered through and continued searching and finally around 10:30 we were rewarded with a steady speckled trout action. Drifting the oysters we were able to find solid 18 inch trout. They wouldn't hit any thing but a popping cork with a plastic. I tried my beloved Mirrodine but couldnt catch a thing. I also was able to land a monster 42 inch bull redfish.