
Diy Locking Rod Transport for a Kayak Trailer or Roof Rack

I am currently on my third kayak trailer build in three years.  First I needed to carry two kayaks without having to balance them on top of my jeep. The second trailer was built for overnight trips to allow for max sleeping room in the truck. Now on my third build we are turning it into an extended trip kayak trailer. Capable of day trips but built to carry extra gear for extended trips. We have already figured out the boats and now the rods the second most valuable item on the trailer needed to be secured. 

blank canvas
I looked at commercial options and found that there are really only a couple one made by THULE , the ARE Rod Pod. This was a $200 build so these options were out for me but it would have been nice to get one of these off the shelf and bolt it on the trailer. The other solution I found online was a diy rod pod made from 6 inch PVC. When I priced the materials I realized that I would need to make two to carry the amount of rods I wanted to carry and the PVC quickly priced it self out of contention. So I set out to build a locking storage that could ride over the fender of the trailer or on the roof rack.
added the shelf
cut the slots for the rods to stick out
 I started with a ?×?×? aluminum lock box narrow enough to ride on the outside over the fender. It is designed to hold a max of 16 4000 size rod combos.
I added a shelf length ways down the middle to give me two compartments. I figured that would keep them from getting tangled together and the reels from banging each other up. Adding the shelf  makes reels that are 6000 and up not fit. I am currently mulling over adding a second box for larger combos or storage without the middle shelf. Then I cut two slits on one end to allow me to slide the rods in and out and let the rods stick out the front. The final touch was to line the inside with carpet to make it nice and forgiving for the reels during transport. In the front of the trailer I simply used two Nite-Ize gear ties to hold the tips of the rods to the trailer. I may come up with something a little more sturdy for the rod tips but the solution has not come to me yet.  The trailer is shaping up well and I have the spare tire mounted on the other fender Now we should be able to pitch a tent on the bed of the trailer if we wanted to.

lined up with carpet

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