
Daily Routine: Wally World

Decided to go to the Pond that has been a consistent producer all year. We went out yesterday as our second stop pond hopping right before dark and caught a couple. So we hit it again this evening and it didn't disappoint. I had not caught a real fish on topwater yet this year so I threw a Heddon torpedo while Collin used a the fluke. It was cloudy with sporadic drizzle perfect for topwater and the big fish were eager to hit on top.

Kayak Snakehead Fishing at Mattawoman

Memorial day we decided to pull the kayaks out and get serious about catching a snakehead. We have been on a 2 week hunt for Snakeheadt them taking the canoe out after work to the Potomac. These trips have yielded many different species but no snakehead. We decided we needed to try  try out a new spot we landed on FE.Matingly park in Indian head Maryland. It sits on Mattawoman creek and is part of the tidal Potomac system. When we launched it was low tide and it would be rising throughout the day. I like to fish a falling tide most of the time but it was good going at low tide because it eliminated many spots by making them too shallow for the fish to utilize. So we concentrated on the deeper banks 2 foot and deeper these were signified most of the time by being lined with pickerel weed. Collin started off throwing a weightless fluke he has had one in some shape or form tied on for a few weeks now.