Every year after 4th of July Lake Pontchartrain is inundated by the hard fighting Jack Crevalle and us inshore anglers go a little crazy for these fish. Catching them is not that challenging if you are able to find large schools of bait mullets or their favorite menhaden which school up thick in the late summer. Jacks like to use break walls to pin the school of bait and unleash the attack. The lakefront steps and the areas around the marinas are good in the early mornings and late evenings when the bait makes its daily migrations in and out the harbors. The best lures are 6 or 8 inch spoons or large topwaters which elicit huge strikes from the jacks. from now until late October you will find me chasing the jacks in the evenings along Lake Pontchartrain either from the kayaks or from land . Pontchartrain shark fishing post coming soon . Email me at fishxscale@gmail.com to schedule a trip or get some tips on a good bite.

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