Today while everyone was casting their vote I decided to cast a line for some speckled trout and redfish. I met up with my buddy Cody at the first launch on Paris rd. after the green bridge. We didn't really have a plan for the day just to fish trout early and then see what happened from there. We started near the bayou Bienvenue lock and Cody immediately had a bass on but it quickly shook off the hook. We then crossed the mrgo and the water began getting much cleaner and after a scientific taste test saltier. I began trying to find the speckled trout I threw topwater early but bites were few and far between. I did manage a couple blowups and was able to land a nice bass.
Barely hooked |
I continued to work the area most days I would exclusively throw a topwater before 9am but it was so slow I switched to my current go to trout bait a
Mirrolure Mirrodine Xl
.With in the first hour Cody And I had only a bass and a speck he was having better success on topwater at the mouth of a bayou where water was draining. At this point I changed my strategy to drifting to locate schools of specks because I had tried all of the obvious areas. I began my drift about 50 feet off the bank working my mirrodine much slower than I have been in the past few weeks. I soon drifted into a school of mullet and wham I had a nice fish that ripped itself from the hooks. After resetting my drag I quickly had another bite and landed a solid 17 inch speckled trout. I continued this drift for a while and received steady hits but was only able to land two trout along with another bass. At this point I was tired of searching for specks and I decided it was time to explore deeper into the interior of the marsh for some slot reds. I met up with cody and we worked our way way back into a broken marsh area. The water was really high so we were able to get back in an area that doesn't see too many humans. I began blind casting a seein spots inline spinner to every point and little cut. About ten minutes into the redfish hunt I was hooked up with a 21 inch red that put up a little fight in such shallow water. I continued covering shoreline spooking a few nice reds I then moved back onto the lee shore and I quickly developed a pattern the reds were hugging so tight to the bank they were almost on dry land and they were hungry. A couple of the fish I caught hit as soon as the bait hit the water. One fish in particular hit the lure three times before I hooked it on the fourth cast. I prefer to fish for Big speckled trout but the redfish bite made me forget about my failure to catch any earlier in the day. It only took 30 minutes before I had my limit and I headed in at 12:30.
There are more pictures but I cant seem to find them Follow me on Twitter and Instagram for more pictures and tips that don't make it to the blog.
One more thing Dont forget to vote for the kayak angler choice awards 2014
Vote Here
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