We decided to go back to Franklin park for the first time since early April
(click to read about it here) we were hoping there may be a few trout left. When we got out there a rain cloud was passing over it was kinda windy but after about 10 minutes it passed and the wind calmed down. On my first cast I hooked up to a little bass but it got off because I didn't set the hook. This little fish was foreshadowing for the trip because we caught at least 20 little bass as we made our way around the pond. I used a texas rigged purple zoom u tale worm with a 1/4 ounce bullet weight while Collin used a weightless zoom fluke. Collin worked his fluke tight to the bank while I worked from the middle of the pond. Collin caught a couple more fish mine were a little bigger overall but both techniques seemed to work about the same. The big fish of the day was probably only 12 inches But it was fun quick action to end the day. The catch of the day goes to Collin he caught a snapping turtle on 8 pound test .
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