With all the rain we have had in our state this past few days Lake Pontchartrain is really fresh and the areas we had been fishing probably have more bass than speckled trout right now. We decided to head down highway 23 and combat launch to explore the marsh and catch a mix of fish. I downsized my lure and just planned to have fun. We pedaled about 5 miles round trip and at every major bayou intersection there was bait being harassed by something.

Most of the bait was little mullet but we did see a few shrimp which bodes well for the fall fishing. We started casting to the points to catch what we thought were trout but they all turned out to be lady fish. I did land two small trout but I think we are still a little early for trout to be that deep in the marsh. We paddled little deeper exploring some small canals but there weren't any reds home.On the way back to the launch we finished off the slime slam by catching a couple of Gafftop catfish. After catching these we quit fishing and headed in to miss the storms that were rolling in.
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