I took a few days off from writing but not from fishing. Labor day My brother and i took the Hobies to Point Lookout Maryland he promised me that we may encounter some familiar species like speckled trout and red fish. We got out early Monday morning and fished along the rocks the marshy areas and deeper channels but the only thing we could find were the ravenous hordes of bluefish. My weekend day off I think we will take a ride down there again and see if we can make some trout and reds bite. The past two days we have hit up our old stand by Goose creek the river has been super low making locating the smallmouth pretty easy in the deeper areas. I figured that this would be good time to pull the fly rod out to catch my first smallmouth on the fly. I had a popper fly and Collin stuck with the pop r which has been working well lately. The past two days we have caught a bunch of sunfish and bluegill. The smallmouth however have been hard to find I am still looking for that first smallmouth on the fly and Collin has only landed two that were over 12 inches the past two days.
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