Explored a new spot today on the Potomac river in search of more big small mouth like the one my brother caught
earlier this week. We got out there around five to fish the evening topwater bite but I started with a
Reaction innovations Sweet Beaver
on a
Shakey Head
and was able to catch a little 14 incher. There was grass everywhere which made you have to throw precise casts into the open areas rather than fan casting and covering the river. When I would find a large opening in the grass I would fish it slowly dragging the jig from a couple different angles would trigger multiple strikes from the same hole.
As the sun dropped we tied on the topwaters and the action was quick.
Many of the fish we caught would hit the lure as soon as it landed. You had to be ready to set the hook quick. We found a pool behind some riffles that was a little deeper and less grassy than the surrounding areas. This pool held a good population of fish and we caught them until it got dark. We didnt catch any citation fish this time but these river fish made up for it with their abundance and entertaining fight.
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